home decor

DIY Tutorial – IKEA Tanum Rug Hack

DIY Tutorial – IKEA Tanum Rug Hack

I moved into my new place just one month ago and it’s been nonstop unpacking, painting, organizing and decorating ever since. I had lived in my last place for about 10 years so I was pretty settled in there and I haven’t done any serious decorating in a long time. My new place is a little smaller so I’ve tried to downsize as much as possible and only keep the things that I really love and are really useful. The projects have been a little overwhelming and this is actually the first thing I’ve sewn at the new place. (Confession: I’m a little worried that I haven’t started sewing sooner because my tv is no longer located in the sewing room. I’ve been spending more time watching tv and knitting than I used to. But I’m hoping to break that cycle soon.) Moving is so much harder than I remembered. I'm really looking forward to having a box-free house.