2019 Make Nine Challenge

I’ve been participating in the Make Nine challenge since 2016 and it’s a really nice way to start the year off with a fresh and consolidated list of projects. I realized this year that my list has always been (with one exception) patterns that I’ve never made before. (The one exception was the Archer Shirt in 2018. I made it once before but wanted to perfect the fit and fabric choice.) This year I actually have a lot of projects in my queue that are repeat patterns but they’re just not fun to put on the Make Nine. So my 2019 Make Nine will again be all new-to-me patterns. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with making a pattern over and over again. In fact, I truly hope that people make my patterns more than once. But, making a new pattern is such a thrill. I always learn so much from new patterns and there’s also that suspense of not totally knowing if you’re going to love the final garment or not.

Before we go on to 2019, let’s look at let’s year’s challenge. In 2018, I made 7 out 9 projects (image above). Besides pattern samples, I made about 28 garments in 2018. It’s less than years past but it feels like a good number. I think one reason that I’ve been sewing a little less than in past years is that my tv is no longer in my sewing room. In my old apartment, my spare room was a sewing and tv room and it had more stable temperature control all year round. My new sewing room is lovely (except for being very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter) but I have to more consciously decide to go there than in my last apartment where I basically hung out there all the time.

In case you’re interested, in 2016, I made 7 out of 9 projects (see the results in this post). The two remaining patterns, I printed out at the time and still have yet to make them. In 2017, I made only 4 out of 9 projects. (Plans post here and results here.). Not so great.

For this year’s list, I tried to balance out the types of garments to give myself variety and hopefully to create a versatile and usable wardrobe. There are 3 pants, 1 skirt, 2 tops, 1 jumpsuit and 2 dresses. This year I am also pairing each pattern with a fabric from my stash. I feel like I’m always talking about how my stash is out of control. And then I go and buy more fabric. I started using the Stash Shrinker fabric tracker from Sewjourners this year and even though I’m not “allowed” to buy more fabric I have bought more fabric. Twice. Oh well. It’s a new year. And I have intentions for all of those fabrics. Let’s dive into the list!

2019 Make Nine

1. Calyer Pants by French Navy Now

I love the details on these pants and have been wanting to make them since first laying my eyeballs on them. I have a lovely navy linen/viscose slub fabric that I bought from Blackbird Fabrics during their remnant sale that I think will be perfect for these pants.

2. Kila Tank by Allie Olson

I think this tank will quickly become a wardrobe staple. Again, I’m using a remnant fabric from Blackbird Fabrics, a micro-rib knit in olive green. Plus I have two other rib knits in my stash that would work well. This style of tank is great for layering in colder months or on its own in warm months. I’m looking forward to trying out the technique of using Heat n Bond on the rib knit. I’ve struggled in the past with rib knits stretching out as I topstitch and I think this will be the solution.

3. Vogue V1501

Oh yeah. This old thing. This pattern was on my 2017 list and a runner up in 2016. But gosh darn it. It’s a bee in my bonnet that will not go away. And I WILL MAKE IT THIS YEAR. I have a silky black fabric from Finch Fabrics that I ordered a few years ago for another project that I think will work well for this. And if I like it in black, I may make it again in one of my many prints.

4. Hadley Top by Grainline Studio

The Scout Tee from my 2016 Make Nine is one of my most worn tops and expect the Hadley will be one too. I have tons of linen that will make a lovely top.

5. Palisade Pants by Papercut Patterns

This is another love at first sight pattern. I made the Arenite Pants in 2018 and wore them a ton. I was planning on making them again but I like to try new things and I’m intrigued by the slimmer fit of this design. The Arenite Pants need a drapey fabric which I don’t have a lot of and I think this pattern will suit my stash of linens better. I have a lovely heavy weight olive linen from The Fabric Store that I’m designating for these pants.

6. Amy Jumpsuit by Closet Case Patterns

Again, another love at first sight pattern. I made the Julie Jumpsuit from Schnitten patterns as part of my 2018 plans and with the alterations I made, I think this will actually be a similar silhouette. I have a ton of navy rayon in my stash that I think will work really well if it’s not too thin. Plus some really gorgeous rayon prints that I bought in Denmark last year.

7. Ginger Jeans by Closet Case Patterns

I’m probably the last sewist to have sew the Ginger Jeans. I’ve owned the pattern for years and even had the Ginger Flares on my 2017 list. This year is going to be the year though. I have some grey stretch denim in my stash that will be perfect for Gingers. And, my most worn RTW skinny jeans are finally starting to wear out. So, it’s time to replace.

8. Clover Dress by Papercut Patterns

I bought the paper pattern of this while I was in France in 2016. It’s such a pretty design and I love the inset panels. For this, I’d like to use another of the rayon prints that I bought in Denmark last year.

9. Wattle Skirt by Megan Nielsen

I love the classic design of this pattern and immediately knew that it would perfectly pair with a red striped cotton in my stash. Can’t you just imagine swooshing around the farmers market in this beauty?

I don’t look at my Make Nine list as a strict to-do list. Rather, it’s just a fun list of things that I’d like to make. I know that my priorities and whims will change during the year. New patterns will be released that will catch my eye and they will inevitably jump the queue. This year, I’m using my Printable Sewing Planner to organize my projects and I’m really enjoying having everything in a pretty little notebook, that I also happened to design. Are you doing the Make Nine Challenge this year?