Black Lives Matter


Hello friends. Before jumping back into sewing related chat this week, I wanted to say how important it is to continue supporting #blacklivesmatter and the fight for social justice every day of the year, not just for one week.

Personally, I’ll be continuing to educate myself, donate, speak up, write to my representatives, get involved, protest and vote. I have a long list of things to read and listen to, including the first book in @pinkmimosabyjacinta’s new book club.

I’ve always wanted Sew DIY to be a source of education and inspiration for the sewing community. And while I will continue to be dedicated to that mission, I also plan to start sharing educational resources on social justice and diversity in my weekly newsletter and social media.

I’m committed to partnering with and supporting companies who actively support black lives and social justice. These actions are just a start and I hope that as Sew DIY grows as a business that I’ll be able to do more to support our diverse community.

I recognize that I am a very privileged, white, heterosexual, cisgender, typically abled woman. I’m sure I won’t always get it right. But, I’m committed to working on it. Please, let me know if you have recommendations for resources that you’d like me to share. And let me know if I mess up and if there are ways that I can serve the community better. You can reach me via comments, DM or email at Sending much love and peace to all of you. ❤️