Sunday Summer Outfit

Inspired by this photo (above left) from Lucky magazine, I made this outfit last Sunday. For the skirt, I used a medium weight pinstripe cotton fabric that I purchased at the Michael Levine bulk store in downtown LA and Vogue pattern V1247. The pattern was relatively easy to put together. The one big change I made was to do an exposed zipper.To make an exposed zipper, I first basted the center back seam. Next I stitched a facing to the center back seam (on the right side of the fabric), stitching 1/8 inch on either side of the seam (see above).
After stitching, I cut the facing down the center and removed the basting stitches.
Next, I turned the facing to the wrong side and pressed flat (see above). The skirt was ready for the zipper.
The skirt is very comfortable and fits well (I cut a size 14). Instead of encasing the seams with binding, I serged the raw edges, saving a lot of time. I really love this skirt, especially the pockets, and would make it again.
For the blouse I used a lightweight sheer fabric that I bought as a remnant from the regular Michael Levine store. For the pattern, I used Simplicity 2892, view C without the bottom band. I've used this pattern a couple times before with success (View C, dress length and View D, dress length). I narrowed the shoulders and eliminated the facings. I finished the arm and neckholes with folded bias strips and a serger. I didn't do the best job on the edges because I was trying to hurry but I'm satisfied with the blouse.