DIY Tutorial – How to Make a Tassel

When you think of tassels you probably think of winter ski caps or heavy window coverings. But they can be used for many more things, even in the summer! Tassels can be used as part of a boho cool necklace, on the corners of a tablecloth, as a keychain or zipper pull. Fun right? Lucky for us they're super easy to make. You probably already have all the materials you need.

How to Make a Tassel


Embroidery thread, yarn or material of your choice

Pencil, small dowel or knitting needle

Manila folder or cardstock

Large eye sewing needle


Step 1: Cut a piece of manila folder on the fold, the desired height of the tassel. If you don't have a folder, cut the cardstock twice the height and fold it in half. Trust me that fold is going to come in handy later.

Step 2: Starting with end of thread at folded edge, wrap thread around template to desired thickness.

Step 3: Make a temporary hanger for the tassel. This will help keep the threads together and prevent them from betting messy. Slide a doubled length of thread through the middle of the template and up to the open (not folded edge) of the template. Make a slip knot by threading the loose ends through the loop.

Step 4: Carefully slide the thread off the template and tighten hanger thread.

Step 5: Slide a pencil or knitting needle through middle of threads to help keep them in order. Tie another piece of thread around the tassel just below the pencil. Wrap tightly working your way down the pencil.

Step 6: Remove pencil. Cut thread and using a needle insert bottom end of thread up to top of neck. Tie a square knot at the top with remaining loose end. Thread both ends back through tassel to become part of the body of the tassel.

Step 7: Cut through loops at bottom of tassel. Trim as needed.

These tassels are really fun and easy to make. Try different materials like pearl cotton, ribbon, cording or leather for a different look. You can also use a contrast color or material for the neck of the tassel. Below are some of the different materials that I tried out. To comb out the embroidery thread, I waited until after I cut the loops at the bottom of the tassel. Then I used a needle to separate the strands. These are really fun to make. I hope that you find this tutorial useful.