

We have gathered all of our free pattern downloads, pattern add-ons and printables in our online resource library. It’s easy to download pdfs from the library and it’s a great place to find inspiration for your next sewing project. When you sign up for our weekly newsletter in the form below below, you'll get a link and password to the Sew DIY resource library. The password will give you access to a web page where you can access all of our free downloadable pdfs.

A few tips:

Sometimes it can take up to 30 minutes to receive the email. Check your spam folder and if it’s still not there, let us know.

If you’re already signed up for the weekly newsletter, look for the latest email in your inbox. Scroll to the bottom of the email to find the link to the library and the password.

You may need to manually type the password into the website, rather than copying and pasting.

After you’re already in the library, download to a desktop or laptop and back up files to a cloud server. (This is my #1 tip for digital files!! Trust me, do it and get in the habit of backing up your patterns.)