How to decide how much fabric to buy

How to decide how much fabric to buy

Hello sew-friends! In today’s YouTube video, I’m answering one of the questions I’ve been asked most over the years – How do you know how much fabric to buy? I’ll be sharing my magic number for buying fabric, my best tips for deciding how much fabric you’ll need even when you don’t have a pattern in mind and the sewing supplies that I always stock up on.

I’ve been sewing for about 25 years now and have learned what works best for my sewing habits and the things I like to make. The more you sew, the better you’ll be able to estimate how much fabric you’ll end up using too. But in the meantime, read on and watch the video for my best tips to get you started.

Five tips for designing your own Tasi Robe and Jacket

Five tips for designing your own Tasi Robe and Jacket

My new Tasi Robe/Jacket draft-it-yourself pattern is (I hope) the first in a series of draft-it-yourself patterns. I love that the style of pattern is accessible to all people, teaches about pattern drafting and gives the maker (that’s you!) the power to customize the design.

This draft-it-yourself pattern will walk you through each step of designing and drafting your own custom fit pattern. You choose the proportions you’d like and we give you the formulas to draft all the pattern pieces. If you’re new to designing things, it can be a little tricky deciding how much ease you like and the proportions that work best for you. So, for today’s blog post, I’m going to share a few tips for how to design the Tasi for you preferences.

Three easy steps for sorting fabric scraps

Three easy steps for sorting fabric scraps

As a follow up to the virtual I Love my Fabric Party a couple of weeks ago, I thought I’d share how I go about sorting and organizing my fabric scraps. While I’m working on a project, I tend to just throw all my scraps into a basket and ignore them for a few months. Then, when the basket becomes particularly unsightly, or I have some motivation to tidy up, like the virtual party, I will set up tackling the scraps. In this video, I share some ideas on what you can do with your scraps, how to sort through them efficiently and share tips for how to store them later.