How to decide how much fabric to buy

How to decide how much fabric to buy

Hello sew-friends! In today’s YouTube video, I’m answering one of the questions I’ve been asked most over the years – How do you know how much fabric to buy? I’ll be sharing my magic number for buying fabric, my best tips for deciding how much fabric you’ll need even when you don’t have a pattern in mind and the sewing supplies that I always stock up on.

I’ve been sewing for about 25 years now and have learned what works best for my sewing habits and the things I like to make. The more you sew, the better you’ll be able to estimate how much fabric you’ll end up using too. But in the meantime, read on and watch the video for my best tips to get you started.

How to fold fabric for stacked storage

How to fold fabric for stacked storage

Today is the first day of the second annual I Love my fabric virtual party! So, in celebration and in the hopes of helping you organize your fabric, today’s video is devoted to fabric folding. I know kind of boring but, trust me, it is key to a well organized stash. This method of folding can be used when storing fabric in either drawers or shelves. The main benefit is that you can see all of your fabric stash at a glance. Nothing will get hidden underneath something else. The bonus benefit is that the fabric will have fewer wrinkles.

Ideas for organizing your fabric

Ideas for organizing your fabric

One of my biggest sewing room struggles over the years, has been finding ways to store my fabric. I’ve had periods of success and many periods (like right now) where I feel like my fabric is taking over the sewing room. Because I’ve had success in the past, I know that I have all the knowledge and tools that I need. The only thing lacking was motivation. Which is why I’m hosting the I Love My Fabric Virtual Party (happening August 10-11, 2019). In today’s post, I’m sharing a bunch of ideas and links that will help you organize your fabric and get your sewing room in tip top shape. There are two main kinds of organizing and you can do either or both. The first is to physically organize the stash, meaning the folding, stacking, storing, etc. The second is to create a catalog of your fabric that you can reference instead of diving into the physical fabric. Read on for my best fabric storage and organization ideas for your sewing room.

(Side note, the party is very open ended and you are not required to do any sorting. And if your stash is already organized, feel free to join in spirit and share photos of your system or even just a few of your favorite fabrics.)