2018 Blog Survey

UPDATE: The survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback!

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Hi friends! Here in Los Angeles, the season is slowly starting to turn towards fall. It’s a subtle shift here in southern California but after over a decade here I’ve come to recognize the signs. The nights and early mornings become cooler than in the summer and there’s a very slightly crispness to the air. We even had our first rain and thunderstorm this weekend. The change of seasons also signals that it’s almost time for my birthday. It’s a big one this year. Thirty-nine! And while I’m not freaking out per se, I am thinking about life, what makes me happy and where I want to be going in the next year. 

One of the things I know for sure is that I love sewing and making and being a part of the online sewing community. So as I start to plan for next year and make goals, I’d first like to get some feedback from you. I’d like to hear a little bit about your interests and needs and what you’d like to see from Sew DIY in the future. I put together a survey right here and I’d be so grateful if you take the time to fill it out. The survey is completely anonymous and you can skip any question. Also if you ever want to get in touch with me, just email me at sewdiyblog (@) gmail.com. I love to hear from people.