How to sew skimmer style quilted slippers — Video Tutorial

How to sew skimmer style quilted slippers — Video Tutorial

In today’s video, we are going to be assembling the skimmer style slippers, using my Quilted Slippers pattern. It’s been one of my most popular patterns and it’s a really fun one to sew. It’s a small project and great for using scrap fabric. This project also makes a great gift. The pattern is drafted for a wide range of sizes from US Women’s 4 up to a US Men’s 14.

Quilted Slippers Sewalong—How to sew leather soles

Quilted Slippers Sewalong—How to sew leather soles

The most frequently asked slippers question I've gotten over the years, is whether you can use leather for the soles. The answer is sure! But, I had never tried it myself. I've honestly been a little nervous to try. So, it was time to put the fears aside and give it a go.

I found a scrap of leather in the LA fashion district that is a medium weight, a little less than 1/8" thick. In retrospect, a thinner piece of leather would have been easier to sew but I'm happy to say that it actually worked! Plus, thicker leather provides more protection from the cold which I absolutely need.

I am very, very pleased to report that the leather soles were a success and that sewing the leather was not hard at all. I thought I’d be battling the leather, that tears would be shed. But it went very smoothly! Phew!

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing the methods and tips I used to make my leather soled slippers with heel tabs. Read on for a list of tools, tips for handling the leather, how I altered the construction (just a little bit) and a video of the construction.

How to use an Edge Stitch Foot — Video Tutorial

How to use an Edge Stitch Foot — Video Tutorial

I’m always looking for ways to improve my topstitching because I feel like really accurate topstitching makes a garment look so much more professional. So, to help myself dial in my topstitching, I decided to get a special sewing machine foot called an edge stitch foot.

This is a special sewing machine foot accessory that (usually) does not come with the machine and it was not cheap. I’m not sure what I originally paid but it’s now running about $32 USD. I honestly don’t know if the machine foot is worth the cost. Time will tell on that. But, I will definitely be using it for the next button down shirt that I sew.